Sunday, February 5, 2017

Ordinary Day

Silf, Inner Compass, Chapter 6: Tracking Our Moods
I just can't seem to "get into" this chapter or find a way to make it useful to myself, but I don't want to skip it, so I'm just going to "push through" the questions and suggestions on pages 90-95.  Here goes!

Choose a phrase/mantra:
Jesu juva!

I am thankful for a dryer that works, for the energy to wash/dry/fold/put-away clothes, for clothes to wear, for a home, in the country.
I am thankful for trees, blue sky, that God created the world full of growing things.
I am thankful for our two kitty-cats: Diego and Percy.
I am thankful for all my/our past pets.
I am thankful for animals in general.
Thank You Lord for wild things.
Thank You Lord also for people, especially my husband.

Light-seeking.  How has God helped me see/ understand how His Love has been working within me today?
My attitude of gratitude is God's Grace at work within me.  There is so much for which I could have various intense negative attitudes, but God helps me see good somewhere, somehow, all the time.  Thank You, Lord.

How was I drawn to God today?  I'm always conversing with God.  Today I have wondered about the people of our nation; I have prayed for many.  I have also been thanking God that I am able to go up and down stairs multiple times doing laundry!  I used to feel frustrated that I can't organize my laundry room where and how I want.  Now I am grateful that I get some exercise woven into this task!
Have I learned anything today about God and His ways?  One thing I keep learning about God is that He is patient.  I also notice that Christians I respect keep confirming that Truth and Love must go hand-in-hand.
When/how have I needed God today?  I draw strength from the Holy Spirit to not despair about all the evil in the world; I keep faith in God by drawing hope through the active sustenance of the Holy Spirit.  I ask the Lord for faith, trust, perseverance in Love, and He gives it to me.
The Lord's Word "came alive" for me when I sought out His Word regarding hating the sin and loving the sinner.  I believe it is the Spirit that prompts me to seek and it is the Spirit that helps me find, and altogether it is the initiative of my Loving Abba-Creator-Lord.  Praise be Jesus!
Did I share Christ w/ others today?  I had a nice interaction w/ a priest on twitter!
I also have brought laughter into a conversation with my husband that could have been antagonistic.
Have I been a sign of God's Presence today?  I don't know, I suppose so, the priest on twitter thanked me for our exchange and blessed me!
How have I sensed God's Presence today?  In His Word, in my heart, in His provisions, in my thoughts, in the example of other faithful believers.
Have I shown/received love today?  My husband says he feels loved when I do his laundry and that I fold it neatly and put it away.  (As opposed to balling it up and shoving it somewhere!  --Like he would do if left to his own devices.  LOL)
Have I felt God absent today?  No.  Thanks be to God!
Have I felt peace or turmoil?  When? How? Why? And how did I respond?  I feel turmoil or agitation when I encounter much of what the world produces, but I seek and choose the Lord's Peace because I know I abide in Him and His Peace is always available to me.
Another odd thing that has brought me delight today is a lovely scent wafting around me.  I think it is the gentle perfume I spritzed on this morning, but I have been smelling it most fragrantly and juicy-ly while I think about God's Goodness!  I've had these aroma experiences before, and some of them have been inexplicable, apparently mystical, during times of prayer.  I don't know how to think about these things.  I've not read about them.  I only know that there have been times when I suddenly smell a beautiful aroma.  A couple of times it was the scent of sweet meat, as if grilling!  Those were times when I was praying for my dad and thanking the Lord for him and asking the Lord for his healing and wholeness.  Other times it has been the scent of roses.  This time it is the fragrance of something sweet and somewhat juicy!
Has God called or nudged me in any particular way today?  Yes, to be grateful for ordinary things and to relax and simply enjoy the uneventful-ness of an ordinary day.
For what would I especially like to thank God today?  For ordinary living.  Thank You, Jesus, simply for life.

Sorrow?  Not today, today I haven't been over-whelmed with sorrow, and in all things I've chosen to focus on for whatever I can be grateful.

Hopefulness: I look forward to how the Lord will lead me tomorrow.  Yes, indeed!

Reference: Silf, Inner Compass, Chapter 6 "Tracking Our Moods"

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