Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Signs of Being Centered

Signs Of Being Centered

Responding to Chapter Two of Marie Schwann’s Come Home:
{tried to put a picture w/ link of her book on but couldn’t get it to appear the way I wanted; ‘have more to learn re WordPress…}
When I am centered in Christ, I feel:
“In relationship to God: Insofar as we are truly centered, our image of God will be one that Jesus reveals to us, of a God who is loving and forgiving, a God who nurtures and heals and is always looking to set us free…”
Jesus reveals
“In relationship to self: When we are centered, we have a healthy, honest, grateful sense of well-being.  We know our gifts and we stand tall in them.  We are self-nurturing, self-directed, finding and making use of what we authentically need for our ongoing journey toward maturity.  When we are centered, we have a resilience and a playfulness and a healthy attitude toward the work that we do.  We say yes to the gift of who we are.” ~ from Come Home, p.13
Making use of what I truly need
“In relationship to others:  When we are centered, we are separate but mutual, having boundaries that are flexible.  We can be both affirming and challenging, but always with compassion and a courteous reverence…”
separate but mutual
flexible boundaries
affirming and challenging
courteous reverence
Galatians 5:1
Galatians 5:16
Galatians 5:22
Psalm 131

One Thing

One Thing

Reading “Come Home; A Prayer Journey to the Center Within” by Marie Schwan, C.S.J.
Chapter One:  The Center Within
What is the one thing I need?  The one thing that gives my life meaning?
Knowing I am Abba’s beloved child!

The above was first written six years ago for another blog of mine: "Meeting Leo."  However, I'm revising what that blog is about and the Schwan posts are more suited to this blog, "I Am Hoo I Am."