Saturday, April 6, 2013

Weary but Grateful

Tonight I am going to bed early.  I had class in the morning (after finishing my paper in the wee hours of the morning on the day it was due), took a nap between class and church, and played for Mass. 

I wish I had the energy to note each of the special moments I have w/ Mom and Dad as I experience their last days. 

All I can manage right now is to note I am so grateful for these moments.

Thank You Lord for my parents; please bless them lavishly w/ Your Presence in their hearts.  Amen.

Monday, April 1, 2013

New Life Chapter

For the past month, I've been focused on Mom and Dad and their health.  Today is the first day I am sitting at my desk, sorting mail, paying bills, answering emails, etc.  Also about a month ago my laptop crashed and only today am I getting my Google browser and all my tabbed-faves installed.  It's surprising how good it feels to have this familiar "desktop" back.  It's how I navigate on the web.

Today I also have monster cramps.  I took 1 midol this morning and it wiped me out 'til noon!

This afternoon I will visit Dad at rehab and later in the day Mom.  I also plan to do 2 or 3 loads of laundry, some cleaning and tidying-up of the main rooms, and get started on my paper which is due before class this Saturday.

My back is killing me, but I feel like I'm re-aligning my life and the new balance is workable.